Podcast Episodes


EP#102: Tried and True Financial Services

February 29, 20242 min read

Meet Good Neighbor Valaise Smith with Tried and True Financial Services

When Valaise Smith transformed from a finance enthusiast into an empowered entrepreneur, she didn't just launch a business—she sparked a revolution in how small businesses approach their finances. Our latest episode features the maverick behind Tried and True Financial Services, who's tearing down the daunting facade of accounting and revealing its engaging core. Valaise's personal tale of reinvention after her previous workplace shuttered paints a striking image of resilience that's sure to ignite a fire under budding entrepreneurs. Journey with us as we unpack the intertwined worlds of accounting, budgeting, and credit processes, and learn how mastery over these can propel a small business from surviving to thriving.

Beyond the balance sheets, Valaise's passion veers onto the open road, where motorcycle riding provides her with much-needed 'wind therapy'. Her anecdotes of riding through personal challenges add an authentic twist, proving that the road to success is as much about overcoming personal hurdles as it is about financial acumen. Meanwhile, we tip our hats to Valaise, our recent guest from the Good Neighbor podcast. Her insights enriched our conversation, offering a glimpse into the soul of the local enterprise and community in south east Michigan. This episode is a testament to the power of community spirit and a clarion call to support and celebrate the mosaic of businesses that define our neighborhood.

Tried and True is established to educate individuals and small business owners on the ABCs of finance to simplify your Accounting, Budgeting, and Credit processes. In the ACCOUNTING space we offer income tax planning & preparation to help ensure you pay the least amount of taxes possible and remain in compliance, in the BUDGETING space we help ensure you know your numbers and can produce critical financial statements and, in the CREDIT space we help build a strong business credit profile to ensure you are considered by a multitude of lenders.

Tried and True Financial Services

(800) 270-1272


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Lisa Swiftney

Executive Producer, Good Neighbor Podcast: Rochester

Publisher: Greater Rochester Living, Shelby Neighbors


(248) 988-9640


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